Multi-Turn VK

Multi-turn VK’s come in a standard case (pictured left), or a ‘small n short’ case (pictured right) and come with a locking vernier (pictured right) or moog-style knob (pictured left.)

Multi-Turn VK:
Note that all VK’s are built to order and can have a wait time of up to 2-3 months. Red cases can only come with a red screen, screen color preference will be ignored for red cases. [wp_cart:VK Multi-turn:price:[Case|Clear,100.00|Clear Blue,100.00|Clear Red,100.00|Fog Blue ‘small n short’, 100.00|Black w/Clear lid,105.00]:var1[Screen Color|Red|Blue|Green]:var2[Knob Position|Front|Top]:var3[Knob Style|Lockable Dial|Moog-style]:end]